Tests und Bewertungen

MSR - Lightning Trail - Schneeschuhe im Test

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Profilbild von Anna

Der Beitrag wurde am 31.03.21 überarbeitet

Es brach nach wenigen Kilometern zusammen

I did buy them because they are light and they seem to be durable. So far, they seem to have good grip and the binding can be nicely fixed with a bit of strength :-). I felt stable and safe when walking on tracks, off tracks, on wet and frozen (spring frozen) snow and on glacier. I am first time user of snowshoes. Before, i used ice crampons only. I was super satisfied until one of the most stressed parts (see picture) went off on one shoe...I was lucky it was at to end of long downhill track and the surface was hard/icy so, I could manage with one functional snow shoe only. But, this changed my trust in this product. I overall made barely 20km with them and now I need to search for tiny spare parts. Its a shame. Low quality for a lot of money :-(

--- Bewertung Vorgängermodell ---

Produktbilder von Anna
  • Vorteile
    Stabile Bindung
    Guter Grip
  • Nachteile
Profilbild von

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